The Super Specialty

Complete cleansing program: The so-called Panchakarma therapies are complete De-toxification program containing five cleansing procedures (Panchakarma) to purify the whole body by eliminating accumulated toxins. The five treatments include Vamana (medicine induced emesis), Virechana (medicine induced purgation), Nasya (instillation of medication through nostrils), Vasthi(medicated enema) and raktamoksha(bloodletting). Poorva karma or Pre pancha karma procedures are procedures that are indicated to soften and dislodge the accumulated poisonous substances from the body, thus preparing them for their complete removal. It consists of two main processes – Snehan (oleation) and Swedan (fomentation). After the purification phase, your gut would be very sensitive and the diet should be extremely light in nature. Snehal ayam serve a lot of soups – especially Kanji – rice soup that is easy to digest. Once your metabolism is back to normal, we gradually introduce normal and nourishing foods.

Life style disorders Management

Lifestyle diseases share risk factors similar to prolonged exposure to three modifiable lifestyle behaviours -- smoking, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity -- and result in the development of chronic diseases, specifically heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease etc. On the other hand, Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) include cardiovascular systemconditions (hypertension, stroke), diabetes mellitus, lung/chronic respiratory diseases and a range of cancers which are the top causes of deaths globally and locally. These diseases are considered as lifestyle related and is mostly the result of unhealthy habits. In the management of lifestyle diseases, Ayurveda offers various regimens including Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), Panchakarma (five detoxification and bio-purification therapies), and Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapies. Snehalayam Ayurveda has expertise in management of the following life style diseases. · Diabetes · High blood pressure. · High cholesterol levels. · Arthritis · Osteoporosis · Asthma · Anxiety, Stress and depression · Skin diseases.

Child disability management According to the CRPD, children with disabilities “include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis”. Child Development Specific Conditions · Cerebral Palsy. · Autism Spectrum Disorders. · Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD) · Conduct Disorder (CD) · Depression. · Developmental Disabilities. · Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. In Snehalayam Ayurveda, you will get services of eminent personalities who are experts and experienced in the management of Cerebral palsy, ASD, PDD and other developmental disorders. At present, Snehalayam Ayurveda successfully manage child disability depending upon their severity and chronicity.

Child Disability Management
Saraswatam - Immunity clinic

Specialties and Specialty clinics

Beauty clinic

Mukhalepam (Aayurveda facial): A beautiful complexion is more than skin deep according to Ayurveda. It is the most obvious external manifestation of your overall well being. It is a mirror of your physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Ayurvedic facial therapy is a natural beauty treatment for a healthy and glowing skin. It includes a face massage using herbal oil and creams based on natural ingredients and Ayurvedic herbs. In some specific cases, a steam or scrub or an herbal face pack will be added based on individual needs. Different types of face wash, Face scrub, Face paste according to the nature and type of skin. Unlike other beauty therapies, an Ayurvedic facial therapy is known to be the best for any skin type. It is not only a herbal therapy that makes sure that your skin does not erupt, it also cleanses your skin well and makes it smooth and soft. An Ayurvedic massage therapy takes care of acne and acne scars. Snehalayam Ayurveda provide beauty care by experts in that field which maintain and improve your complexion.

In Ayurveda, the concept of immunity, vitality, strength, and resilience are known with the terms ‘Bala' ‘Ojas’ and ‘Vyadhikshamatva’. Bala means strength or power. Ojas is the essence. Vyadhikshamatva means the ability to pacify diseases. Bala is characterized by firm and well-built contour, ability to perform all activities involving body, mind, and speech, and efficiency of the sensory and motor organs (Indriya) in performing their duties. Types of Bala: Three types of Bala are enunciated in the Ayurvedic classics. The first is innate component (sahaja bala), which is constant throughout the lifetime for an individual of a particular physical and mental constitution. The second type is determined by time or temporal (kalaja). This oscillates with the age of the individual and the seasons. The third component is acquired (yuktikrita) through one’s diet, lifestyle, and other efforts like rejuvenation therapies. There are several common practices in Ayurveda such as Suvarna prashana (gold based electuary), Pragara yoga(routine preventive medicine to prevent the age prone diseases), Lehana oushadha (Immunity boosters) etc. Now -a - days the outbreak, incidence and prevalence of old and new infectious diseases are alarming and the prevention and control of such epidemics are posing a Herculean task to the modern medical science. 'Saraswatam' the immunity specialty clinic run by Snehalayam Ayurveda facilitate all type of Ayurvedic immunity supplements to booster the immunity. In the present scenario, the proposed Ayurvedic methods of immunity boosters for improving generalized immunity can function as an add on to booster the immunity in children.